Wednesday, 24 September 2014

    New food purity laws

    I heard a radio comment that the food industry’s need to comply with sustainability and carbon emissions rules was bureaucracy. View it instead as necessary religious compliance. If you want to sell food to Moslem countries you have to comply with halal rules. Likewise Jews have kosher rules for food preparation.

    Warmism is the new dominant religion of western world leaders with the decline of previous religious adherence. This Gaiaist religion has the central belief that the world is warming catastrophically due to mankind’s emissions of CO2 from burning fossil fuels. This belief is held so strongly that few world leaders will openly question it. The late Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic is the only one that comes to mind. He was even isolated by his own government for daring to doubt.

    Therefore all manufacturers if they want to sell to European and other Western countries have to comply with these new ‘food purity’ laws.

    I have a strong scientific background – a PhD in Chemical Engineering. I have examined much information on this topic for many years. The following information is easy to find if you want to
    1.       Antarctic sea ice has reached a record extent.
    2.       There has been no increase in world temperatures for ~17 years.
    3.       Sea level rise is at the same rate as for recorded history.
    4.       Adverse weather events are not increasing in frequency.
    5.       Increased CO2 in the atmosphere improves plant growth and yields.
    6.       Absorption of infra-red energy by CO2, the so-called greenhouse effect that underlies the belief, will cause ~ 1°C rise in temperature from a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial levels. This is usually referred to as the sensitivity. This is much less than the much ballyhooed target of 2°C with which we need to comply.

    So with some good effects, no provable (only suspected) bad effects, no strong underlying principle, even, why is this belief among world leaders so strong?

    Barack Obama, Mary Robinson and many more campaign for us to reduce carbon emissions. Even Enda Kenny this week at the UN meeting in New York said Ireland would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. Supporters of the theory rely heavily on discredited data – Michael Mann’s hockey stick temperature graph, John Cook’s paper that 97% of scientists believe.

    With such little strong evidence supporting global warming and relying on such discredited information it is no wonder believers keep repeating that the debate is over. The last thing they want to do is get into a debate with an educated observer of the real facts.

    I feel like the little boy in the story of the emperor’s new clothes. Why has no one told me the secret? When Enda and all the world leaders see a beautiful gold gossamer suit, all I see is bollocks. And with this bollocks western industry must comply.

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